Wine Magic

Wine Magic? Many would agree that the enjoyment of Fine Wine is indeed Magical. One definition of Magic, as stated at, is “…it has a special mysterious quality which makes it seem wonderful and exciting to you and which makes you feel happy”. Oh my goodness, this definition perfectly describes FINE WINE. Not just any wine, but FINE WINE. Enjoy the Wine Magic with family and friends from none other than your very own Wine of the Month Club.

We invite you to watch this introduction video to the Wine Experience that is about to change your life:

Create Your Own Wine Magic – Enjoy

A Warm Bath or Jacuzzi

Alone or with your loved one. The warm, soothing water, with or without bubbles, is a perfect fit for Wine. Choose your favorite red, white, or even bubbly wine. Add some candles and soft jazz to create your special and unique oasis. Much-needed alone time is healthy for everyone. Slip away to de-stress from a hectic day and prepare yourself for a fabulous night’s rest. If you choose to share this extraordinary moment, the romantic prelude to a night of pleasure may very well follow. Either way, I think you will agree that Magic happens!!  

I believe we all deserve to treat ourselves VERY special. Why? Because we are worth it. When was the last time you pampered yourself? It can be as simple as running yourself a warm bath (go ahead, add some bubbles), pouring a glass of your favorite fine wine (not that inferior, mass-produced wine from your local grocery store), and then slipping into the warm bath, let your troubles drift away.

Man in bath with wine

The joy of private time in the warm bath or Jacuzzi is NOT JUST FOR WOMEN!!! Sure, it may be more common for women to relax in the tub, but here and now, we know many of our male friends who take advantage of this amazing wind-down time. Just remember to bring your Fine Wine with you. If you have not tried this, take the plunge (HA!), and you will understand why the women in your lives figured this out years ago!!! Try it once, and you will know how amazing it feels.  

Wine Magic and Romance

Enjoy time alone with your Lover: be sure to bring along one of your wines received from your Wine of the Month Club to create a magical ambiance. Just allow your imagination to have free reign. Plan a private dinner outside on your terrace underneath the stars. Or pack a picnic basket and a blanket for your favorite meadow or tree. Your creativity only limits the possibilities. This time is just for the two of you; put the cell phone on silent, put up the “Do Not Disturb” sign, and tell everyone else to leave you alone. Let Magic happen; trust in the Wine.

Wine itself is the supreme expression of love. Each bottle of our very Fine Wine is made with passion, respect, and LOVE bringing it from the vine to the bottle to you. All that remains is to open that bottle and let the Magic happen.

Make any Meal into a “Magical Event”

You become the magician when you serve YOUR FINE WINE from YOUR WINE of the MONTH CLUB. Magician, Hero, Heroine, ACE…pick your TITLE….after all, it is your wine. Open it at your own home-cooked meal, as a guest at a friend’s, or even at a restaurant that allows you to bring your own wine. GO AHEAD, ELEVATE the meal with your amazing wine. The Wine Magic will suddenly appear on its own. It starts with your Fine Wine.  

Your Magical Wine comes from the World Famous Wineries in the Napa and Sonoma Valleys.

With your Wine of the Month Club, you receive Fine Wines from award-winning boutique wineries located in the Napa and Sonoma Valleys. Then there is detailed information on the wines themselves located on your Internet site. I find it very helpful to have information on the wines to share them with my friends and family. Knowledge is impressive; understanding your Fine Wine increases your enjoyment.  

Wine with Friends

So, grab that glass or the whole bottle, and enjoy the Wine Magic today. Invite over some friends, add some cheese and crackers, chocolate, or fruit, and the party will take off on its own. Fine wine has a way of opening up the fun and bringing people together, and that is another Magic quality of Wine.

You must have come to this site for a reason. Now you know why!!! You have DISCOVERED that you are meant to be here. Your next step is to JOIN the Wine of the Month Club! I have much more to tell you. Check out my other page, Fine Wines Delivered to Your Door, to get more information. Or, GO HERE NOW and join today.

Get Free Wine!

OH! Here’s the real kicker: You can also make a part-time or full-time income as a Wine Ambassador. Let me tell you how… refer three active customers or Ambassadors, and YOUR WINE is FREE.

Whether you like to enjoy your wine alone on a quiet evening by the fire (or in that warm bath!) or prefer to share with your friends and family, wouldn’t you agree it’s time to tip your glass to the Fine Wines of Napa and Sonoma Valleys?

life is too short to drink cheap wine

Then, here it is Your Magical Wine Tour…Fine Wines Delivered to Your Door

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